Telegramma di Jimi Hendrix a Paul McCartney.
Questo è il telegramma inviato a Paul McCartney, all'epoca il bassista dei Beatles, datato 21 ottobre 1969 e firmato da Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis e Tony Williams. Il telegramma dice: "Questo weekend saremo tutti insieme a New York a registrare. STOP. Che cosa diresti di raggiungerci? STOP. Pace..". E' stato trovato nel 2005 all'Hard Rock Cafè di Key West (Florida) da Yazid Manou, un addetto stampa, fan scatenato di Jimi Hendrix, sempre alla ricerca di memorabilia.
Nel 1969, Miles Davis è in cerca di nuove strade, dal momento che ha già provato tutto. Tony Williams è il più grande batterista che Miles abbia mai conosciuto ed ha suonato con i più grandi batteristi del mondo.
Nell'ottobre 1969, subito dopo Woodstock, Jimi Hendrix si ritrova senza un gruppo così si rivolge ad Alan Douglas per contattare Miles. Miles e Williams chiedono 50.000 dollari ciascuno, un sacco di soldi.
Da qui l'idea del secolo : il telegramma. Invitare McCartney a dare man forte a Miles e a Williams, che detto per inciso, hanno suonato con il gotha del basso e del contrabbasso, da Ron Carter a Mingus, da Stanley Clarke a Jaco Pastorius.
La risposta datata 22 ottobre 1969 fu la seguente :"In riferimento al telegramma ricevuto da Jimi Hendrix, Davis e Williams, Paul McCartney è fuori città per una vacanza. Il suo ritorno non è previsto prima di due settimane". In fondo una buona notizia, visto che all'epoca lo davano per morto.
Cosa sarebbe successo se la registrazione di quel weekend avesse avuto luogo? Cosa avrebbero combinato insieme Hendrix e McCartney..entrambi mancini, entrambi geni.
Secondo Yazid Manou, sembra che McCartney non fu mai informato di quel telegramma. Ora sta lavorando per ottenere una dichiarazione a riguardo proprio da Sir Paul.
Chissà se ce la farà..
Grazie !
RispondiEliminaDovere!! :-)))
RispondiEliminaP.S. I didn't realize that he was you!!!! Thanks to you for this. If you have any news about please tell us! A big hug.. Tizy :)
EliminaI'll be back to you (soon I hope) if something new happens !
RispondiEliminaThanks so much Yazid! if there is something you can tell us about it..and tell us more ..please tell us! ;) Byee! Tizy..
EliminaOn March 26th, I talked to Peter Brown who answered to the telegram on October 22nd, 1969 : he did not remember at all this telegram which is quite natural after 43 years ! But at least, now he knows I put "some" light on this document...
eheh...i hope he'll remember that.. soon ;) Thanks! :-)
RispondiEliminaHi Tizy, AT LAST I received a reaction from Paul McCartney to the telegram !!!
RispondiEliminaThanks to french (italian) music journalist, Paola Génone (from l'Express, weekly magazine) who met Paul last October 1st regarding his "New" record :
Here is the english (not italian !) translation :
On the 21st of October 1969, Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis and the drummer Tony Williams sent a telegram to Paul McCartney (who was a big fan of Jimi).
"We are recording and LP together this weekend in New York - STOP - How about coming in to play bass - STOP - Peace - Jimi Hendrix Miles Davies (sic) Tony Williams."
On October 22, Peter Brown, who worked for the Beatles' record label, replied on behalf of Paul: "Ref. cable received from Hendrix, Davies and Williams. Paul McCartney away from London on holiday, not expected to return for two weeks."
When the ex-Beatle was later shown the telegram, he was stunned "Am I dreaming? Is it a joke? Where did you find that?" The documents come from Yazid Manou, the French Hendrix specialist, who discovered them while researching on the web-sites of The Hard Rock Café. One document is at Key West (Florida 2005) and the other in Prague (Czech Republic 2012).
"How is this possible? Jimi! Jimi wanted to play with me and I find out now? Why?"
McCartney suddenly realized that October 21, 1969 had been a special day: "An american radio had just announced that I was dead and it had spread worldwide. The Beatles were in a difficult period. I went to my house in Scotland and I didn't want to be joined... so, I never got this telegram. I was dreaming to play with Jimi. We knew each other. I remember having seen him playing at The Speakeasy Club, in London, in 1966 : Jimi was astonishing, breathless, impossible to categorise. I remember that he had played his famous version of "Hey Joe" and a song of Howlin' Wolf. I have never played with him; I thought that we would have all the time in the world. And he died one year after; he was 27. When, in 1967, I was one of the art directors of the Monterey Festival, I got him invited."
Unknown in the USA, Hendrix exploded onto the scene, thanks to that concert. "What could Jimi, Miles, Tony and I have done in a studio ? I know I would have rather played guitar than bass... or both. Jimi had no limits. He brought together psychedelic rock, electric blues, gospel... and his technique remains matchless. For 40 years, I recalled his genius in pretty all of my concerts."
Evidently moved, McCartney adds "It is at the same time my biggest missed opportunity and also a great news... an inspiration to write new songs."